Tim Gabriel here from Little WORLD Charity. The title of this post is a nod to two of my favorite artists, the filmmaker Stanley Kubrick and the author John Updike. It also serves as the highest comparative praise I can give to Aaron Winston, a young Raleigh father of four boys with a very supportive wife. Aaron made the Mars Outpost display featured in the two attached videos.
I've been very blessed, thrilled, and admittedly proud to have made two dozen displays for Little WORLD Charity in the last dozen years. This took a love of miniatures, dogged trial and error, and an addictive determination to spread joy. I've been lucky enough to retire and change my work from that of a white-colored finance guy to a somewhat creative endeavor; this while still not being able to draw not much more than stick figures. I've been inspired by many, including Milly Lyon, a super-artistic, whimsical friend, by my very supportive wife, who loves to brag about how a numbers guy like me could also be artistic, and our Board of Directors (all volunteer). So I'm happy to acknowledge that Aaron's work (welll over 100 hours) has taken Little WORLD displays to a whole new level, just as Stankey did for films in 1968.
When I saw the finished display this week, I was just as stunned as when I first watched "2001 A Space Odyssey". The Mars Outpost display has dozens of mini-scenes and features that are remarkably realistic and custom-made (e.g. by 3-d printing, lasers, and simple materials such as straws used as pipes and spray-painted cotton to be rocket exhaust flames). An astronaut in a wheelchair, another toasting a marshmallow with the rocket flames, another skateboarding, along with an invisible astronaut, aliens, and even Super Mario populate indoor and outdoor scenes of amazing detail and precision. There's also an area where astronauts explore, at their own peril, an unground lava pit.
Since my effusive praise still does not do justice, I hope you will watch both of the attached videos that I insisted on. The first is an Aaron-led tour of the display and the second is a longer one wherein he explains how he made it. Perhaps needless to say, I've asked Aaron to PLEASE make another display, so stay tuned!